The game is continuation of a with 2nd places plaguered game series.
The ReadMe contains a summary of the plot of part 1, so playing the first game isn't necessary. But it wouldn't hurt either.
The game reached the scond place in the RTP-Contest 2013 in the RPG-Atelier.
It might be worth noting that the focus isn't on the story. It's a rather humorous game with focus on the fighting and puzzles.

After Steve is still captured in the headquarters of the aMtG, he awakes one day because of a terrible noise.
In the end he gets to know that the actually pretty dangerous book was stolen by Eibmoz' minions. The situation is rather critical, that's why Steve recieves the quest to get the things right again.
Thanks to the controversial methods of the aMtG, Steve has not much choice and accepts the quest.
He wakes up in front of the secret entrance of the headquarter, his only clue is that he has to find green trolls, though.
In the end Steve starts his second not so epic adventure.

It's about life and death again, at least for him
But he isn't that bad at using that staff he found in a deplaced-seeming chest in the woods back then.

They seem to fight for the good in the world. Or they let fight for the good in the world, that's not quite clear. Could be the fault of the outfit.

Many are totally convinced of the boss, others wish they had the right to strike. They are rather lazy and work in the background. They aren't very smart for sure.

Still brainless, maybe they should chew less when eating their favorite dish. They like to bite and also lay into mortis sometimes when they're bored.

A wandering trader in a ninja-outfit, who trades with adventurer goods. He gives Steve tips to the enviroment and doesn't like real money as payment method.

An unknown guy with a nice hat. Who he is or what he wants is a mystery.

And once again the 2nd place. Actually a nice result with that good competition. The small point difference is rather towards the 3rd place, though...
Anyways, everything else that could be needed should be in the download. With solution and that stuff.
Feedback is very wanted. There's a feedback form in the ReadMe you can use.
Okay, then have fun playing! :>

The game is compatible with all desktop Windows variants 95 or newer.
Soon... at some random point in time